One Thousand Gifts

holy experience

Well, I've decided I'm going to go ahead and do this here - primarily because if I don't do it here, I'll forget to do it at all. And since I was recently exhorted to cultivate an attitude of thankfulness, it seemed appropriate. So here goes.

1. The dark times of life, that let us see God's grace more abundantly.

2. The overwhelming gift of knowing my Lord, Jesus Christ.

3. The cleansing of conscience.

4. God. There are too many perfections in Him to be looked at separately; I am thankful - infinitely thankful - for just Who He is.

5. The beauty of the night sky on a cold winter night.

6. Autumn leaves.

7. The smell of woodsmoke.

8. The roar of the ocean and the scream of gulls and the feel of sand.

9. Sweaters and tea on rainy days.

10. Birdsong.

11. Frost.

12. A pale blue autumn sky.

13. Berries on my dogwood outside.

14. The crunch of dry leaves underfoot.

15. The knowledge that all this beauty is a mere shadow of what is to come.


Anonymous said...

I love the Autumn-themed mood of your list. And 15 is my favorite; that certainly can send shivers up the spine. ^.^ Andddd... I've been thinking of doing the One Thousand Gifts on my blog, too! I've seen it on a few people's, and I love the idea. I started jotting down an informal list, and it's already been such a good exercise in thankfulness.

Abigail Hartman said...

The only problem is that I feel rather awkward posting them out in the open, you know? Otherwise I really enjoy it. At night, before I go to bed, I try to remember to think of five things just from that day that I'm thankful for. That's a lot of fun, too. ^.^

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